

Let's learn how to be more attractive! Secretly, deep down, we all just want to be pretty, look good and do nothing but take pictures for Instagram. This is obviously a joke, so stop hating. Looking pretty is probably one of the least important things in my world right now, however I do know for a fact that feeling attractive makes me feel a little bit better. I truly believe when you look good, you feel good. And if you're not feeling or looking your best, there's a pretty fast way that doesn't a ton of money or pain to fix it. Here it goes, how to be instantly more attractive.

1. Get Proper Sleep


That’s pretty obvious, right?

If you want to become a morning person, you must restore a healthy sleeping schedule with the right amount of sleep.

Sleep-deprived people are prone to harder wake-ups, they tend to eat more and even experience a sense of dissatisfaction throughout the day.

Is this you?

Then this should be your first step.

You will probably need to go to bed earlier and, yes, at first you may feel not sleepy at all if you’re used to going to bed late at night.

It is best to remove all electronic devices around you, including anything that will remind you about work or unfinished tasks (at least 45 minutes prior to bedtime).

The blue light of smartphones signals your brain that it must stay awake and makes it a lot harder to fall asleep.

Instead, opt for reading a book or writing down everything that stressed you out during the day.

This will clear up your mind and lead to better sleep.


Another soothing and calming thing to do before bed is to take a warm (not hot!) shower.

Warm water promotes a deep sense of relaxation and aids in falling asleep quicker.

Choose a lavender-scented shower gel and you’re on your way to sweet dreams!

More tips for this: 12 Things That Help You Fall Asleep Faster


2. Create A Morning Routine


A routine is the best approach to training yourself to do anything.

To become a morning person, establish a wake-up routine where you wake up around the same time each morning, including weekends.

After doing this for a while, your body will naturally begin to awaken at those hours, without feeling drowsy.

Choose a preferred wake-up time and adapt to it gradually.

Let’s say you are used to waking up around 9 o’clock, yet you want to be up at 7.

Start by setting your alarm at 8:30 and move towards your goal by decreasing 15-30 minutes every few days.

Try not to hit that snooze button!

Snoozing several times can affect your cognition and actually leave you feeling more tired throughout the day.

If you’re extremely tempted to snooze every morning, change up your alarm melody and put your phone far away from the bed.

This will force you to get out of bed to stop the alarm, and sometimes it’s enough to help you wake up faster.

More on this: Soothing Morning Routine For Anxious Ladies

You can also check out this cool 3-step morning routine that I’ve found.

Art Drawing Of Girl Waking Up Early To Become A Morning Person


3. Start Your Day With Moving And Doing Something Pleasant


Soon after waking up, do some stretching or a few simple exercises as it will naturally make you feel more energetic.

If you can, step outside for a breath of fresh air.

Then take a quick shower and spend 15 minutes doing something pleasant.

This will make you look forward to waking up because you will also be waiting for that pleasant activity.

I personally LOVE putting on my makeup while blasting music through my headphones and sipping fresh-brewed coffee.

It became sort of a ritual through the years and I feel charged & inspired to start my day after every single time.


4. Get A Nutritious Breakfast


The secret of morning energy is hidden in your breakfast.

Eating a healthy breakfast promotes wellbeing, healthy body weight and it feeds your body all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to get going all day.

A good breakfast is a must, so even if you’re not hungry yet, try to snack on something to give your body that much-needed morning energy.


5. Make A Plan


If you’ve decided to become a morning person, take a step forward and start planning your days too.

It takes just a few minutes and it’s a real bonus to every morning routine (here’s why).

I love using minimalistic planners for daily planning since I like planners that are well-structured, clean & decluttered.

But you can obviously opt for a piece of paper if needed – just make that plan.

You will be much more productive throughout the day with it.

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